Sunday 22 May 2011

How to Save Your Marriage

If you're looking for ways to save your marriage then this post is for you.

Every couple experiences difficulties in their relationship from time to time and occasionally these prove to be a threat to marriage. If you're looking for ways to rescue your marriage take a look at your options below.

1. Get Help
Marriage guidance and relationship counselling are a good way to resolve marital problems. The upside is the personal attention and advice but the downside is the cost of continuing sessions.

2. Help Yourself
There are a range of books, e-books, self-help books, DVDs, videos, audio tapes and other formats of marital guidance. These can be a helpful source of information and ideas to put your marriage back on track.

3. Ask Others
Discussion forums can be a good source of advice and support. People who are going through or have been through marital difficulties share their stories and swap tips. The upside is the anonymity and support, the downside is that the advice given is not necessarily conventional or correct for your situation.

If your marriage is on the rocks there are many sources of help and information. The internet is a great way to research what's 'out there' and to search for feedback from others who've tried the various approaches and programs.

Finding out the strategies to maintain a healthy marriage is a great way to save your marriage. Sometimes all it takes is an awareness of how to change entrenched behavior patterns or finding more positive ways to communicate. 

Identifying marriage tools and tips that can reduce the stress on your marriage and rekindle your romance is the best start to fixing your broken marriage.

So take the first step to salvaging your romance and find the best tools on the net to put things right. 

Saturday 26 March 2011

3 Communication Rules that could Save Your Marriage

Everyone knows that it’s good to talk, however knowing when and how to talk may well make the difference between failure and success.

Rule 1: Timing

Don’t start major discussions when one of you is about to go out – make sure there is adequate time for you both to talk, listen and discuss a way forward.

Always ensure that you can both give 100% to each other when one of you wishes to discuss something important. Avoid starting ‘big’ discussions when there are distractions such as young kids vying for attention or cooking preparations that need to be done.

If things in your house are always hectic; try to agree on a good time to sit down and chat.

Rule 2: Discussion is 2-Way

Don’t forget that you both need time to talk.  Each of you needs to listen carefully to what the other is saying. Couples that develop strong listening skills have a greater chance of marital success.

The golden rules…..
·         No interruptions
·         Keep an open mind and consider carefully their points
·         Clarify your understanding of what your partner has said if you have any doubts at all

Rule 3: Get in Early

Don’t let problems stew. Ensure that you discuss issues at the onset of any problems. You may be able to prevent things declining if you address your problems early enough.

It is much harder to resolve mountains than molehills. So get in at the earliest sign of a problem and try to steer yourselves back on track.

Need Further Help?
Failing marriages are a major cause of stress and anxiety. Most couples are acutely aware that things are going wrong but are unsure how to rekindle their romance.  

If you feel you would benefit from tips and strategies to get your marriage back on track don’t delay in getting help.

Thursday 3 February 2011

Get Your Head Straight!

It's no good making rash decisions when your marriage is falling apart.  

The best way to save your marriage is to focus your mind on positive ways to put things right. Try not to respond to the myriad of feelings that you are experiencing with a knee-jerk reaction. Take the time to think through recent events and how to move forward with your relationship. 

It is only when you have a clear mind that you can start to learn the strategies that put things right. Easier said than done? Take a look at these tips for clearing your mind in preparation for fixing your marriage.  

Saturday 1 January 2011

Time to Start Saving Your Marriage?

NOW is the time to start saving your marriage. Here are some steps you can take to reverse the trend and get your marriage back on track.

Step 1: Determine the Cause

You can’t go back in time and change history but you can learn from it. You need to identify the exact causes of the downward slide in your relationship. Once you have identified mistakes that were made you can try to learn and grow from the experiences.

The strain on your marriage may be due to a single event or it may have occurred from behaviors that your wife just can’t deal with anymore.

Whatever the reason, you need to get the specifics figured out so that you can deal with the situation and prevent it from happening again.

So put some thinking time into when things started to go wrong, it’s the first step to putting things right.